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Wendy Junebearing Strawberry Plant - 25 plants

Wendy Strawberry is a Junebearing variety that produces heavy yields of large, wedge-shaped fruits early in the strawberry season. The fruits have an excellent fresh flavor for fresh eating, pies, desserts and preserves.
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Wendy Strawberry is a Junebearing variety that produces heavy yields of large, wedge-shaped fruits early in the strawberry season. The fruits have an excellent fresh flavor for fresh eating, pies, desserts and preserves.


ColorDeep red
Growth HabitVigorous and set lots of runners
Hardiness Zone3-8
Hardiness Zones3-8
Light RequirementsFull sun
Moisture RequirementsMoist, well-drained
Plant TypeStrawberry plant
SizeLarge, wedge-shaped fruits
Soil RequirementsSlightly acid soil
Soil TypeSlightly acid soil
Sun ExposureFull sun
TypeJunebearing variety
USDA Hardiness Zone3-8
UsesFresh eating, pies, desserts and preserves
Water RequirementsMoist, well-drained