Bas Eickhout, number one on the GroenLinks-PvdA list, has been an MEP since 2009. “A stagnant Europe is an advantage for ...
European countries are getting increasingly frustrated with Budapest’s obstructions on Ukraine military aid and Russia ...
The primary focus of these impending constraints is geared towards those third-country banks that take advantage of Russia’s ...
The European Union's foreign policy chief has urged Israel to end its military operations in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip ...
Brexit is the elephant in the room in the general election campaign so far. The majority of Labour supporters back rejoining ...
TOKYO/BRUSSELS -- Japan and the European Union will work together on setting international standards for the hydrogen supply ...
United News of Bangladesh (UNB) on MSN9ଘଣ୍ଟା
EU contributes EUR 45 million to strengthen Bangladesh's social protection system
The European Union (EU) on Sunday transferred a grant of EUR 45 million to the government of Bangladesh (GoB) following its successful implementation of several social protection reforms, in line with ...
As long as Hungary continues to block the disbursement of funding for military weapons donated to Ukraine, the bloc can’t use ...
The EU this year approved the world’s first comprehensive rules ... to support the development of his artificial intelligence ...
On Tuesday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expressed his country's gratitude for the EU's decision at a news ...
Bulgarian history teacher Tsvetomira Antonova tries to educate students about the dark side of the Communist era, as ...
Ammon News - Luis Bueno, the European Union's spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa, emphasized the EU's ...